Sunday, 29 November 2009

My Bright and Shiny VITTA Evening

Yes I was totally surprised and I want to thank Jo McLeay for doing such a wizard job of getting to the VITTA conference dinner thinking I would see all my NECC pals and then having her get up and make a speech about me. What a fantastic and memorable way to finish off what has been a very up and down year. I have only a few days to go in my old job in the state system and after 29 years in the same school, I am definitely leaving with a whole lot of mixed emotions and I will miss my dear friends and hard working government teachers who struggle so hard against huge odds to do a wonderful job for kids.
But as this blog is a large testament to, my view on schooling has changed so much that I cannot sit and wait for things and people to catch up with the changes anymore and I am taking my plans and dreams and heading off into the sunset - or as many have said going across to the dark side. I am so excited about next year and I hope that my expectations are not unrealistic and that I can meet the school's expectations too.
So, thankyou so much Jo and VITTA for the award, and Upwey for allowing me to grow and explore all this new and challenging frontier in education. What a way to finish one chapter in my life !


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sue on your VITTA award and your new teaching role.
All the very best as you enter this new phase in your teaching career. Your new school is very lucky to have you!

diane said...

What a wonderful and well-deserved honor! I can tell you from my own adventures in retirement that change can be invigorating and full or possibilities.


loonyhiker said...

Congratulations on your award and I know you deserve it! I had mixed emotions when I retired but I can tell you that change is a good thing. Moving on to new experiences is wonderful!

Jules said...

You are an absolute star and a visionary. I will miss you but I know you are not that far away...tweet tweet x

Scrapanywhere said...

Congratulations Sue - and if the dark side is where I am it aint so dark :)