Monday 4 February 2008

Voicethread becomes Wiki

The year has started and now it is time to start connecting the dots of all the information I tried to absorb over the holidays. I am asking my year 11s to produce a voicethread about their childhood using a selection of photos from their own sources.This is to be a reflective piece before we start looking at the poetry of Paul Kelly with an emphasis on our Australian experience. I have embedded this one about my childhood on a wiki on wikispaces as a model for them and I am planning to have them produce one each this week. I will also get them to create an avatar for themselves in Meez The wiki address is forgive the spelling error - I can't work out how to correct it. I hope that some others will come in and comment on them.

1 comment:

Pamelarvo said...

I just finished watching this all the way through and really enjoyed it. Your pics and voice thread evoke wonderful memory associations for all of us - a great idea for kids in the classroom.